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Monday, March 22, 2010

Parse items to list box

Simple little sub I wrote to parse multiple items from a text box or string and add them to a listbox.

I thought you guys could get some use out of it... So here goes:

Somewhere in your form you need this code...

Public Sub l4nParse(ByVal strSource, strStart, strEnd As String, lSt As ListBox)
Dim lonPos, lonEnd As Long
Dim strParsed As String

'Make sure that the start of what we want to parse is really there.
lonPos = InStr(1, strSource, strStart, vbTextCompare)
'Do the following loop for as long as the starting string is in strSource
Do While lonPos > 0
lonPos = lonPos + Len(strStart)
lonEnd = InStr(lonPos, strSource, strEnd, vbTextCompare)
If lonEnd > 0 Then
strParsed = Mid$(strSource, lonPos, lonEnd - lonPos)
strParsed = Replace(strParsed, vbCrLf, vbNullString)
lSt.AddItem (strParsed)
lonPos = InStr(lonEnd, strSource, strStart, vbTextCompare)
lonPos = lonEnd
End If
End Sub

And thats it. Now all you need to do is specify a source string, the string before what you want parsed, and the string after what you want parsed.

You would call l4nParse like this:

l4nparse strSource, strStart, strEnd, lstbox

And thats it.

How to use a ListView for the Complete Noob.

How to use a ListView for the Complete Noob.

This tutorial will go through two stages. The first stage will show how to get the listview onto your form and the different ways to set up your listview. The second stage will show how to add basic functionality to your listview.

Stage 1: The Setup

To get the ListView control onto your control toolbar, you must go to Project -> Components and select "Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6)"

It will then add a bunch of controls to your toolbox.

After you add one to your form, right click on it and go to Properties so you can setup your ListView

These are the settings i'm going to use for this tutorial:

lvwReport is the standard view that everyone recognizes as a ListView. The other views you do see every day, you just don't recognize them. Your desktop is a ListView, when you open your folders and view the icons -- those are listviews.

putting LabelEdit to manual will stop users from being able to change the text on the ListView.

FullRowSelect makes it so the selected item highlights along the whole listview instead of just one column.

you should play with the different properties so you know what they all do.

Now you need to set up your columns. Still in the properties, click the Columns tab.

Add some columns and set the width and alignment to your liking. You can run your project to see what the columns look like.

Stage 2: The Code

When adding an item to a listview, you need to get the count of the listview and use it as the index. If you don't, it will add your item to the top of the listview instead of the bottom. here is the code to add text to your columns:

Static x As Integer
Dim i As Integer
With ListView1
'get how many items are in the listview so we
'can add items to the bottom, instead of the top
i = .ListItems.Count
'add text to our leftmost column
.ListItems.Add i + 1, , "Item " & x
'add text to the rest of the columns
.ListItems(i + 1).SubItems(1) = "Stashio " & x
.ListItems(i + 1).SubItems(2) = "Tacosalad " & x
End With

x = x + 1

Let me step through the code here.

Static x As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Just declaring some variables. Static is just a way of declaring a static variable locally instead of globally. it's more efficient in memory.

With ListView1
End With
is just for cleaner code, stops me from typing "ListView1" a bunch of times.

i = .ListItems.Count
this gets the number of items in the listview and stores it into variable i.

.ListItems.Add i + 1, , "Item " & x
ListView1.ListItems.Add [index], [key], [text]

we are adding text at index i + 1 (which would be 1 plus our Count)
key we don't need in this situation, but you are able to assign each line a unique key.
text is what we want to add.. I just threw in a string and an incrementing variable.

a few more pieces of code:

how to remove an item by index:

ListView1.ListItems.Remove [Index to remove]

Remove selected item:

With ListView1
If .ListItems.Count > 0 Then
.ListItems.Remove .SelectedItem.Index
End If
End With

how to clear a listview:


Thus ends the beginner tutorial for the ListView.

How to get all characters

If you ever need to get all the characters for you program. Say you're making an ascii program and need special characters. This is very simple to do.


In the button add the following code.

For i = 33 To 255
List1.AddItem (Chr$(i))
Next i
i = Empty

That's it. Enjoy

For no spaces you could use these.

33 To 42 ' Basic symbols
1 To 27 ' Special
43 To 127 'Basic Letters, Symbols
128 To 255 ' Special

Saturday, March 20, 2010

One Click Windows Xp Validation

Updates, windows media player, internet explorer etc

Just run the .reg file

tested and works fine enjoy

Doshttp setup+ Keys

Doshttp setup+ KeyS

Push the registerd and wait 5 sec .. that gonna tell you that

here The Key Enjoy


Rapidshare username cracking Tutorial

1. Finding the users

1-2. Put all the users in a text/notepad file in this order
Go to whale's cracker and click on users. Then click load usernames and select the text file in which your usernames are in
1-3.You are done for now
2. The Password List

2-1. Open a notepad file on your computer.
Add the most common passwords in this order and then save.
Ex. 123456
2-2. Click on passwords on the cracker and click load passwords.

2-3.The best password to use is name as password which can be selected by clicking on pass options on whale’s cracker and checking off Name As Password.

2-4. You are done for now.
3. The Proxy List

3-1.user Proxy Leecher 6.5
3-2. Click on Start.

3-4. Wait until it is finished then press save.

4. Cracking

4-1.Click on Start Cracking once you have done all these steps.

4-2. Every now and then click on options and scroll down to good proxies and select send to cracker. This ensures that you are using good proxies to crack.

4-3.Make sure to clear the good proxies once you send it back to the cracker.

4-4. After a few hours you should have cracked one or two accounts. Click on Cracked and then click on saved cracked to save your cracked accounts.


John The Ripper

John the Ripper is a fast password cracker,
currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, and BeOS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords, but a number of other hash types are supported as well.

"make check" has been implemented (for Unix-like systems only), primarily for use by packages of JtR. The "--test" option will now take an optional argument - the duration of each benchmark in seconds. The section .note.GNU-stack has been added to all assembly files to avoid the stack area unnecessarily being made executable on Linux systems that use this mechanism. Some very minor bugs that did not affect normal operation have been fixed.

* iStealer 6 Legends Private Edition *

* iStealer 6 Legends Private Edition *

Scan results:
File Info

Report date: 10.2.2010 at 16.32.21 (GMT 1)
File name: iStealer.exe
MD5 Hash: 4d8c22253a41bbbbe086e16f57eafca6
SHA1 Hash: A96315F66F0B82A805E835BC2A866FCCD7980176
Detection rate:7on 20


a-squared - Trojan-PWS.Win32.Dybalom!IK
Avira AntiVir - TR/Crypt.ZPACK.Gen
Avast - Win32 Malware-gen
AVG - -
BitDefender - -
ClamAV - -
Comodo - -
Dr.Web - -
F-PROT6 - -
G-Data - -
Ikarus T3 - Trojan-PWS.Win32.Dybalom
Kaspersky - Trojan-PSW.Win32.Dybalom.bkn
McAfee - Generic.dx!nii trojan
NOD32 - Win32/PSW.Fignotok.B
Panda - -
Solo Antivirus - -
Sophos - -
TrendMicro - -
VBA32 - -
VirusBuster - -

Scan Report Generated By

Friday, March 19, 2010

Get Network Information

This is get the information about the current network. If Internet is on, Connected to a modem. lan ect
What you need:
6 Text boxes or 6 labels.

In a module:

Option Explicit

Public Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState Lib "wininet.dll" (ByRef lpdwFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long
' Local system uses a modem to connect to '
' the Internet. '
' Local system uses a LAN to connect to t '
' he Internet. '
' Local system uses a proxy server to con '
' nect to the Internet. '
' No longer used. '
Public Const INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED As Long = &H10
' InternetGetConnectedState wrapper funct '
' ions

Public Function IsNetConnectViaLAN() As Boolean
Dim dwflags As Long
' pass an empty varialbe into which the A '
' PI will '
' return the flags associated with the co '
' nnection '
Call InternetGetConnectedState(dwflags, 0&)
' return True if the flags indicate a LAN '
' connection '
End Function

Public Function IsNetConnectViaModem() As Boolean
Dim dwflags As Long
' pass an empty varialbe into which the A '
' PI will '
' return the flags associated with the co '
' nnection '
Call InternetGetConnectedState(dwflags, 0&)
' return True if the flags indicate a mod '
' em connection '
IsNetConnectViaModem = dwflags And INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM
End Function

Public Function IsNetConnectViaProxy() As Boolean
Dim dwflags As Long
' pass an empty varialbe into which the A '
' PI will '
' return the flags associated with the co '
' nnection '
Call InternetGetConnectedState(dwflags, 0&)
' return True if the flags indicate a pro '
' xy connection '
IsNetConnectViaProxy = dwflags And INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY
End Function

Public Function IsNetConnectOnline() As Boolean
' no flags needed here - the API returns '
' True '
' if there is a connection of any type '
IsNetConnectOnline = InternetGetConnectedState(0&, 0&)
End Function

Public Function IsNetRASInstalled() As Boolean
Dim dwflags As Long
' pass an empty varialbe into which the A '
' PI will '
' return the flags associated with the co '
' nnection '
Call InternetGetConnectedState(dwflags, 0&)
' return True if the falgs include RAS in '
' stalled '
IsNetRASInstalled = dwflags And INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED
End Function

Public Function GetNetConnectString() As String
Dim dwflags As Long
Dim msg As String
' build a string for display '

If InternetGetConnectedState(dwflags, 0&) Then

msg = msg & "You have a network connection configured." & vbCrLf
End If

msg = msg & "The local system connects to the Internet via a LAN"
End If

msg = msg & ", and uses a proxy server. "
Else: msg = msg & "."
End If

msg = msg & "The local system uses a modem to connect to the Internet. "
End If

msg = msg & "The connection is currently offline. "
End If

msg = msg & "The local system's modem is busy With a non-Internet connection. "
End If

msg = msg & "Remote Access Services are installed On this system."
End If
msg = "Not connected to the internet now."
End If '{End Of}-> If InternetGetConnectedState(dwflags, 0&) Then
GetNetConnectString = msg
End Function

In the form. I used text boxes for this example.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1 = IsNetConnectViaLAN()
Text2 = IsNetConnectViaModem()
Text3 = IsNetConnectViaProxy()
Text4 = IsNetConnectOnline()
Text5 = IsNetRASInstalled()
Text6 = GetNetConnectString()
End Sub
' End internet

That's it. The functions are pretty self explainitory on what they check for. Useful if you're making a downloader and want to make sure the user is connected to the internet.

How to create Simple Enter Page ( using Photoshop & flash )

Not made by me ...

Flash file for tutorial
Download Tutorial Flash file I used -

1. please do not trouble me on msn unless it's importent ( I have my own sites to run ) send me over exacly what you need help with
2. By looks of that I see you are trying to create front enter page easy ( if you know about actionscript )
3. any TM is easy to edit if you open file in flash Ok here is a small tut on this Let say we have our page in PS Like so

Now let's say I want to create buttons for this ( now there is 2 ways you can achive this )
(1) as you know u can cut slices in PS ( if you know how to use PS u should know hot to cut UP theme inside it )
(2) We will export this file in flash, like I will do with this one. Open up new document in flash 8 u will get this screen

As you can see by above image I have highlited section where it tells you the flash size so if your document in photoshop is 800 x 600 our flash file size has to be changed to that.... Now my document is

939 x 802 so i go in to flash settings where I put black spot on above pic and change to size as you can see here in next screen shot

Now importent part! lets grab our file, click file and click import to stage u will get your file on screen like so

In flash u need to create new buttons ( you can look up tutorials on that on line ) i will just continue with rest

Now Like you see in screen shot below I have created "simbols/buttons" for my document ( highlited in blue )
and like u see in my action script layer it seas

on (release) {

This is what our button will do when it's clicked ( above line is correct but u can add things like _self, _blank, and so on )

now to save our movie go to file and go to publish settings now u will get pop with 3 tabs like so

it ses


First format - format is the place you will save your flash and what the name will be called
flash - i wouldent mess around here to much as you dont need to unless you know what you doing
html - i wouldent mess around here to much as you dont need to unless you know what you doing

Hit publish now you will get 2 files

1 will be called

right click html file and open with note pad or dreamwaver ( I use notepad )
Hust below
add this line

and go to bottom of the page and just below
add this line

Here is the file I used for tutorial above if you want to see how it all goes 2gether

Download Tutorial Flash file I used-

Now our movie will be sitting in the center of the page Hope this helps you and ( you better apprishiate this as it's 6 am and I was gonna hit bed 3 hours a go )

This complites my tutorial on your question above enjoy

Connecting otan IRC server

Well so firstly I have made a class so the irc functions are easier to use so here it is.


* @author Nathan
public class IRC {

public static void pass(String pass) {
sendRawData((new StringBuilder("PASS ")).append(pass).toString());

public static void nick(String nick) {
sendRawData((new StringBuilder("NICK ")).append(nick).toString());

public static void user(String nick, String hostname, String servername, String realname) {
sendRawData((new StringBuilder("USER ")).append(nick).append(" ").append(hostname).append(" ").append(servername).append(" ").append(realname).toString());

public static void quit(String message) {
sendRawData((new StringBuilder("QUIT :")).append(message).toString());

public static void join(String channel) {
sendRawData((new StringBuilder("JOIN ")).append(channel).toString());

public static void join(String channel, String password) {
sendRawData((new StringBuilder("JOIN ")).append(channel).append(" ").append(password).toString());

public static void part(String channel) {
sendRawData((new StringBuilder("PART ")).append(channel).toString());

public static void sendMessage(String channel, String message) {
sendRawData((new StringBuilder("PRIVMSG ")).append(channel).append(" :").append(message).toString());

public static String getChannel(String line) {
if (line.indexOf("#") != -1 && line.lastIndexOf(":") != -1 && line.indexOf("PRIVMSG") != -1 && line.indexOf("#") <>
return line.substring(line.indexOf("#"), line.lastIndexOf(" :")).replaceAll(" ", "");
if (line.indexOf("PRIVMSG") != -1) {
return line.substring(1, line.indexOf("!"));
} else {
return "null";

public static String getMessage(String line) {
if (line.lastIndexOf(":") != -1) {
return line.substring(line.lastIndexOf(" :") + 2);
} else {
return null;

public static String getNick(String line) {
try {
return line.substring(1, line.indexOf("!"));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

public static String readLine() {
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
return reader.readLine();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return "null";

public static void sendRawData(String line) {
try {
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(Main.out));
writer.write((new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(line))).append("\n").toString());
} catch (IOException ioe) {

Firstly you need to set your nick, to do that just use this.


An IRC server normally requires you to register so then you would use this command.

IRC.user("Cascade", "null", "null", System.getProperty(""));

Now your a user on the IRC server, now you can join channels with.


But you have all the commands now you need to setup a while loop to read the data and send pong replys to the server so here is how to do that.

while (true) {
String line = IRC.readLine();
if (line != null) {
if (line.startsWith("PING")) {
IRC.sendRawData(line.replace("PING", "PONG"));

And now your connected to an IRC server, you can make use of the other methods in the IRC class and hopefully this will have taught you something.


Set up a couple Textboxes, text1, text2
Good for setting up a low security on your programs.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text2 = Encrypt(Text1)
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1 = Decrypt(Text2)
End Sub

In a module add this code

Option Explicit

Public Function Encrypt(ByVal icText As String) As String
Dim icLen As Integer
Dim icNewText As String
Dim icChar
icChar = vbNullString
icLen = Len(icText)
Dim i
For i = 1 To icLen
icChar = Mid$(icText, i, 1)
Select Case Asc(icChar)
Case 65 To 90
icChar = Chr(Asc(icChar) + 127)
Case 97 To 122
icChar = Chr(Asc(icChar) + 121)
Case 48 To 57
icChar = Chr(Asc(icChar) + 196)
Case 32
icChar = Chr(32)
End Select
icNewText = icNewText + icChar
Next '{End Of}-> For i = 1 To icLen
Encrypt = icNewText
End Function

Public Function Decrypt(ByVal icText As String) As String
Dim icLen As Integer
Dim icNewText As String
Dim icChar
icChar = vbNullString
icLen = Len(icText)
Dim i
For i = 1 To icLen
icChar = Mid$(icText, i, 1)
Select Case Asc(icChar)
Case 192 To 217
icChar = Chr(Asc(icChar) - 127)
Case 218 To 243
icChar = Chr(Asc(icChar) - 121)
Case 244 To 253
icChar = Chr(Asc(icChar) - 196)
Case 32
icChar = Chr(32)
End Select
icNewText = icNewText + icChar
Next '{End Of}-> For i = 1 To icLen
Decrypt = icNewText
End Function

Changing Form Caption [Delphi]

This is some small code for those wanting to learn Delphi. This simply changes the text of the caption to whatever the user inputs.

Create a new VCL

Adding 1 button and 1 edit(txtCaption)
Add this simple text and its that easy.

Form1.Caption := txtCaption.Text

This goes in

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Form1.Caption := txtCaption.Text

Istealer 3.0.0 (legened) Tutorial + Download

Step 1: Create a Site : here are some free ones you can use!


Step 3: Download Istealer 3.0.0 From the Link's Above !

Step 4: Now extract Istealer 3.0.0

Step 5: Run Istealer 3.0.0

Step 6: Now you should be at something like this

Step 7: Now in the FTP Options box type in the:

Host: FTP:"yourdomain".com (replace what is in quotes with your domain)

Dont worry about the Directory!!!
Once done with this click the button at the bottom that says Test FTP

Step 8: Now you have to bind this with a program

I suggest going online and grabbing an installer and binding it to that
To bind " Check the box that says ' bind with another file ' . locate and select the software you want to bind this key logger with.

Step 9 (optional) : Icon changer

If you don't do this it will just show the icon as a window
Now this is why it was a good idea to download an installer, in Istealer 4.0's directory there should be a folder called " Icon Pack". Once inside it you can see multiple icons to choose. If you chose to download an installer like i said you can pick the very first one ( the one that looks like a box and a CD in front of it )

Step 10: Once everything is done Click " Build "

Congratz!! you Created a unique Key logger!

Is the integer positive or negative

I needed a lil proggie to refresh my skillz.
All it does is tell you if the integer is positive or negative.
Not much, but I don't give a shit.

//number gen #2 by Trevor
using namespace std;

int main()
int x;
cout<<"Press 0 to end.\n\n";
while (x!=0){
cout<<"Enter da numba: ";
cin >>x;
if (x > 0)
cout << "x is positive\n"<
else if (x <>
cout << "x is negative\n"<


disable securom

Here are the files and steps for winning.

1. Open the run dialog and type "services.msc"
a. Look for SecuROM.
2. Open the run dialog and type "regedit"
a. Look for SecuROM under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE...Software
b. If there are no SecuROM, you can haz no security.
c. If there are, continue reading to find out how to successfully dismantle your computer remove SecuROM.
3. Download "TrashReg" and derar it. Run it. Look for the !DO NOT DELETE! key by going to File...Find Keys with NULL -embedded names...Check ALL boxes.
4. Right click the !DO NOT DELETE! key and delete it.
5. Download and run CureSecuROMeng. It'll do its thing.
6. Open up RegEdit again and try to find SecuROM. If it is gone, yey. If not, you fail at life.

It'll re-add itself every time if you don't have a NoCD crack. Find one yourself. They're ALL OVER!

Proxy Leecher 6.5

Crack Killer 1.20

Crack Killer 1.20

Crack Killer description
Report web sites hosting cracks, serials and pirated versions of your software
Crack Killer is a database application that lets software authors track and report web sites hosting pirated versions, serials and cracks of their software.
Here are some key features of "Crack Killer":

· solid database to keep track of active and killed sites
· highly configurable SMTP e-mail complaint capabilites
· DMCA complaint notice generator
· IP check function to help identify relocating and reborn sites
· support for multiple companies
· HTML and CSV export and import
· ability to run SQL queries on the database
· database filtering

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Unloack all phones in one

Here all in one to unlock this mobile phones


size =25 mb

Serial Grabber

The latest version of ST-Grabber!
See the change log for the changes in this version.

• About ST-Grabber

ST-Grabber is a small, easy to use tool that helps you find serial keys.
It does this by searching in some of the biggest and most popular sites around.
This way you wont have to worry about those annoying ads, popups, trojans and other unwanted stuff!

• Change Log

- Added a drop-down list that lets you search on a specific site.
- Included update tool.
- Included new addon that adds support for
- Fixed a bug where the application would not show after showing the splash screen.
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't properly add new search history items until a restart of the program.
- A few tiny GUI changes.

- Added support for 2 more sites ( and
- Added addons system.
- New and improved GUI.
- Added support for resetting your search history.
- Fully rewritten source code.
- Splash screen.

- Added threading support.
- Added search history.
- Few minor internal changes.

- Initial version.

Rar Password Cracker 4.12

RAR Password Cracker recovers lost passwords for RAR/WinRAR archives of versions 2.xx and 3.xx.

RAR Password Cracker finds all possible combinations of characters (?bruteforce? method), or using passwords from lists (?wordlist? or ?dictionary? method).

RAR Password Cracker is able to save a current state (you can interrupt the program at any time, and restart from the same state later). Estimated time calculator allows you to configure the program more carefully.

Self-extracting archives and multivolume archives are supported.

Megaupload Premium Checker

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Cracked List Editor

load your Cracked.txt and it will go through and sort them like

123456 - 54
nigger - 3
fatshit - 90

on the left being the password
on the right being how many id's it hit.

therefor you can sort make a new pw list with my most hitters on top.

Character Puller

Load a list, choose the number of characters from each word you want to pull.
Example. Load the word Sexy use 3 as number of characters and it will add Sex to the 2nd listbox

How To Get The Best Userlist For Cracking

User list is always a big problem for cracking. People keep on asking for user lists or fetch one from a word list posted by someone on a forum. Using this list u are not going to crack successfully as most of the premiums would be squeezed by the word list poster.

So its good that you use the names of all the members of a forum as a user list on crackers. So this is a leecher that fetches all the names of the members of any forum (vbulletin, phpbb3,2,1 or IPB) and saves it ina txt file so that u can use them for successful cracking.....

Q. HOW you will be successful with this forum leecher?
Ans. Most of the members of the forums will be a having a rs ac or mu ac (whatever ur trying to crack)..

1) Open the leecher of course.....XD
2) Goto any forum and and find the login page.....
Most of the vbulletin forums are (
3) Put the login url u got from step 2 IN LOGIN INFO
The bxx BELOW "Login Info"
4) Type ur username and password and press login.
5) You will get a reply "logged in" if your login url is correct.
6) After logging in, open browser and goto the forum and goto the "members list" page.
normally for vbulletin forums memberlist page is (
7) then goto page 2
8) after that copy the url
For vbulletin it would be something like....(
9) now copy this url and put in the first box in multi forum leecher ( in the box ABOVE login info)
10) Now instead of at the end of the url...put there "HERE".....
so it will look like (
11) not check how many total members are there and put it in the "total forum users".....
12) click start and if u have done all the steps correct it will start fecthing the user list.......

N.B :- The only problem with the leecher is that after leeching 32000 users it wil show that maximum range reached....then just click on stop and save the present list....after saving clear the list and press start again it will continue leeching from where it stopped


VB Decompiler Pro v5.0

VB Decompiler is decompiler for programs (EXE, DLL or OCX) written in Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0.

The loss of source codes is a very serious problem for many developers. From my personal experience I can say that it is indeed a terrible misfortune. Imagine you write the program, spend your force, time and money, release compiled program to the customers... But one morning you see that all your sources are gone (it may be your cat, or aliens. Who knows?) You are in panic. What should you do? Tear one's hair? There is no need. Just take the VB Decompiler and simply decompile your project! VB Decompiler restores the source code from the pseudo code (P-Code) as close as possible to the original. So, after some modifications you may get really workable source code.

Some Missing .ocx files

Some Missing .ocx files

Simple DoS tool

QuickPwn Iphone 2.2.5,

Before you update here are some important things you should read first:

1. iPhone 3G users: If you want to unlock your iPhone 3G, do not upgrade to firmware 2.2.1 through iTunes, you must use a custom firmware through PwnageTool (only available to MAC users).

2. Firmware 2.2.1 permanently upgrades the iPhone 3G’s baseband to 02.30.03 and yellowsn0w unlock will not work with this baseband (so you won’t have an unlock if you upgrade your baseband). You must make a custom firmware with baseband 02.28 using PwnageTool.

3. If you’re using MAC 105.6 you won’t be able to get into DFU Mode but here is how you can do this:

You will need an account with ADC (Apple Developer Connection) this is free and takes a few minutes to sign up, you should read the terms and conditions carefully and you should only sign up if you are thinking of developing applications in the future - [url][/url]
Download the disk image “IOUSBFamily Log release for Mac OS X 10.5.5 Build 9F33” (yes, that is a “5” in 10.5.5 - this is a developer debug package of the USB kernel extension).
Install IOUSBFamily-315.4.1.pkg from within the disk image
Reboot your system!


iPhone 3G locked users:
If you don’t ever want to unlock your iPhone 3G then just update to firmware 2.2.1 through iTunes and run QuickPWN to jailbreak.

iPhone 2G users:
Just update to firmware 2.2.1 through iTunes and run QuickPWN in order to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone.

iPod Touch 1G users:
Update to firmware 2.2.1 through iTunes and run QuickPWN to jailbreak.

iPod Touch 2G users:
There is no jailbreak available yet, the iPhone Dev Team is working on redsn0w.


Omegle Spreader V. 1

Custom Messages
Custom Name, Age, and Picture
Got me over 50 downloads in two hours!
Realistic timing to keep users from thinking your a bot

Custom Timing
Custom Messages (fully)
Option to use custom messages or edited


Mobile Bluetooth Hacking Aio 2010


Super Bluetooth Hack

Once connected to a another phone via bluetooth you can:
- read his messages
- read his contacts
- change profile
- play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
- play his songs(in his phone)
- restart the phone
- switch off the phone
- restore factory settings
- change ringing volume
- And here comes the best
"Call from his phone" it includes all call functions like hold etc.
Super Bluetooth Hack for S60 2nd-3rd devices.

Works very well on sony ericsson phones[TESTED]

Plus alot of handy extra's

Size= 37Mb

DHCIP Ip Forcer







Bl4ckh4nd Icon Changer V1.1

Adsuck 1.7

Adsuck is a small DNS server that spoofs blacklisted addresses and forwards all other queries. The idea is to be able to prevent connections to undesirable sites such as ad servers, crawlers, etc. It can be used locally, for the road warrior, or on the network perimeter in order to protect local machines from malicious sites.


There is a reliability fix in the reaping code. The Linux build has been improved.

Extend a Rapidshare premium account even if its secured(locked)(Video-Tut)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Rapidshare Phisher v3.0(VIDEO TUTORIAL)

I take no credit for this, this is not my tutorial....
You can use it at your own risk.only yourself can be held responsible for your actions .

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RapidShare Phisher v4 + Video tutorial

Convert Point Account Rapid Security-lock.flv

ProRat 2.0 SE

ProRat is a Remote Administration Tool made by PRO Group. All PRO Group Members contributed to improve and update this program with all ProRat testers support we fixed up lots of bugs and mistakes to make it the best in its own category.

ProRat was written in C++ programming language and its capable to work with all windows operating systems.

To make process and connect to a PC with ProRat v2.0 you must create a server with your own properties by using the client. Send the server to the PC' you want to connect and be sure that he opened the server. IP address, port number and server password will be sent to the notification address you set when creating the server. Write all of the information we sent you to the client and then Click on the "Connect" button. You will be connected to the server. if you want to logoff from the server click on the "Disconnect" button.

ProRat is made for remoting your own computers from other computers.

ProRat supports bir lots of languages. There is 18 languages supported now and this number will get larger with our users supports.

Inside RAR Password (if any): prorat

John The Ripper

MD5 password hash cracker John the ripper, one of the most popular password crackers in the internet.

Rapidshare Phisher V6

Rapidshare Phishing V6

All major sites Phishers

Here it is all phishing pages to major sites...


  1. amazon
  2. plesk
  3. photobucket
  4. paypal
  5. packstation
  6. oxedion
  7. ogame
  8. nexon
  9. myspace
  10. mmocheats
  11. megaupload
  12. itunes
  13. icq
  14. habbohotel
  18. filefront
  19. facebook
  20. everquest forum
  21. ebay
  22. dailymotion
  23. d2jsp
  24. - AIM
  25. youtube
  26. yahoo
  27. vanguard
  28. usenext
  29. strato
  30. steam phisher
  31. skype
  33. ripway

pass: for internal file if any