Well so firstly I have made a class so the irc functions are easier to use so here it is.
import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.BufferedWriter;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;/**** @author Nathan**/public class IRC {public static void pass(String pass) {sendRawData((new StringBuilder("PASS ")).append(pass).toString());}public static void nick(String nick) {sendRawData((new StringBuilder("NICK ")).append(nick).toString());}public static void user(String nick, String hostname, String servername, String realname) {sendRawData((new StringBuilder("USER ")).append(nick).append(" ").append(hostname).append(" ").append(servername).append(" ").append(realname).toString());}public static void quit(String message) {sendRawData((new StringBuilder("QUIT :")).append(message).toString());}public static void join(String channel) {sendRawData((new StringBuilder("JOIN ")).append(channel).toString());}public static void join(String channel, String password) {sendRawData((new StringBuilder("JOIN ")).append(channel).append(" ").append(password).toString());}public static void part(String channel) {sendRawData((new StringBuilder("PART ")).append(channel).toString());}public static void sendMessage(String channel, String message) {sendRawData((new StringBuilder("PRIVMSG ")).append(channel).append(" :").append(message).toString());}public static String getChannel(String line) {if (line.indexOf("#") != -1 && line.lastIndexOf(":") != -1 && line.indexOf("PRIVMSG") != -1 && line.indexOf("#") <>return line.substring(line.indexOf("#"), line.lastIndexOf(" :")).replaceAll(" ", "");}if (line.indexOf("PRIVMSG") != -1) {return line.substring(1, line.indexOf("!"));} else {return "null";}}public static String getMessage(String line) {if (line.lastIndexOf(":") != -1) {return line.substring(line.lastIndexOf(" :") + 2);} else {return null;}}public static String getNick(String line) {try {return line.substring(1, line.indexOf("!"));} catch (Exception e) {}return null;}public static String readLine() {try {BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Main.in));return reader.readLine();} catch (IOException ioe) {return "null";}}public static void sendRawData(String line) {try {BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(Main.out));writer.write((new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(line))).append("\n").toString());writer.flush();} catch (IOException ioe) {}}}Firstly you need to set your nick, to do that just use this.IRC.nick("Cascade");An IRC server normally requires you to register so then you would use this command.IRC.user("Cascade", "null", "null", System.getProperty("user.name"));Now your a user on the IRC server, now you can join channels with.IRC.join("#test");But you have all the commands now you need to setup a while loop to read the data and send pong replys to the server so here is how to do that.while (true) {String line = IRC.readLine();if (line != null) {if (line.startsWith("PING")) {IRC.sendRawData(line.replace("PING", "PONG"));}}}And now your connected to an IRC server, you can make use of the other methods in the IRC class and hopefully this will have taught you something.
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